
MMA Fighter Knocked Out By A Ridiculous Face Slam (Video)


MMA fighters can be tough and often end up in one of the opponents’ unconscious. This is exactly what happened in a recent match between Luis Raul Alvarez and Martin Georges, in which both fighters fought hard in and refused to give in to the other. Luis leaned back and tried to slip Martin over his shoulder, but he fell so awkward on the floor that he hit his face and head with all his might and simply fell unconscious for a few seconds. Watch video below of this bizarre knockout

Comments: Holy s*#t this was truly a never-before-seen MMA knockout So Luis Alvarez did not know how he managed to end the match, but he was glad he had solved his unpleasant opponent so quickly.

Although it was evident that Luis dominated his adversary and got him close, Martin defended himself. Unfortunately for him, Luis managed to end the match in a matter of seconds, despite the fact that he did it in quite not the way he intended.

From the video, it appears that the did not intend that move but actually slipped and then in shock but realizing that had awkwardly but fortunately happened. He quickly pounces upon Georges and put in some good work in his face with a few punches. However, it appears that he was knocked out for a few seconds after that face slam.

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