Too Hot For TV

WWE Champ’s Girlfriend Displayed, Defended Swastika In Her Room

Too Hot For TV

When people took offense to her post, she was generally indignant, and couldn’t fathom why people would be offended by her advertising the ownership of Nazi paraphernalia. Here are some of the replies she made to peoples’ comments:

it’s really not anyone’s business anyway. I can post whatever photos I want, if you don’t like them my feelings won’t be hurt if you unfollow.

haha it’s not a big deal! I can hang whatever photos I want in MY room or MY instagram. Just like she can post all over her networking sites how she thinks women who are prolife are idiots. We all have our own opinions and lifestyles. I don’t comment on hers so I expect the same.

The swastika means prosperity and luck. It was around way before hitler turned it into an icon. Take it how you want I could careless. This is too funny

She made plenty of others, so again, check out CSS for the full list. Obviously, this is dumb to an impressive degree. Aside from the fact that she defended the fact that she has the symbol for the Nazi party on her wall, but attempts to defend it as “just” a Swastika, she seems to have no idea what the purpose of social media is!
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