UFC Fighter Gets In Fight At The Beach, Makes The Guy Tap


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The highlight of the video, unsurprisingly, is a mostly drunk Iaquinta talking up his buddy after the scrap. “Aljamain is killing everybody right now,” he slurs. “Nobody wants nothing to do with Aljo right now.”

After getting some shout-outs from Sterling and…some other guy, he starts going off on other random tangents. “Is there anyone tanner than me in the UFC?” he asks. “I can’t ruin anymore hotel rooms…my mom says I can’t ruin any more hotel rooms. In actual news, Iaquinta says he’s set to go under the knife for knee surgery in two to three weeks, and is hoping to return in six months opposite Khabib Nurmagomedov (who is also recovering from a knee injury).

Here’s hoping Iaquinta’s recovery is swift, and Sterling ended up havin a good beach day after all.

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