Ronda Rousey Is Training Vin Diesel’s Daughter Into a Judo ‘Beast’


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Vin Diesel has a 7 year old daughter, and he’ll be the first to admit that he’s very overprotective of his little Princess.

He’s always wanted her to be independant and to look out for herself, so he made the obvious move. When you have a young daughter and you want her to learn to look out for herself, and you’re pals with Ronda Rousey, there’s really only one thing to do. Get Ronda to teach your daughter Judo.


“First of all, I feel sorry for anyone that has to (date my daughter). I wouldn’t want that on my worst enemy because I’m just that kind of dad. I’ve been thinking about this since the day I cut the umbilical cord, and because of that, I made a decision early on that I was going to do everything in my power to empower her to handle it herself.

Fast and Furious 7 from the set diesel and rousey

Because of her ‘auntie’ Ronda Rousey, she is now an orange belt with stripes in judo. I’m dealing with it early. I’m creating a beast, and I want her to be able to say ‘No means no.'” – Vin Diesel

Ronda is passing the torch, but chances are she won’t be waking up Vin’s daughter in the middle of the night to work on her armbar escapes like Ronda’s mother used to do to her. There’s a lot that you might not know about Ronda Rousey.

Find out what belt Vin’s daugher has earned so far and watch Vin Diesel’s epic reaction to one of Ronda’s recent victories.

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