Nate Diaz Not A welterweight – Don’t get twisted


Well it is obvious that Nate Diaz does not like the classification that UFC has given him. Maybe he have to take the same steps that Conor McGregor did when there was a poster mixup with him… and contact the UFC promotions department or something.
Nate Diaz Defeat Conor McGregor
Now that the fight between Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor is back on these two have been spitting some harsh words at each other. Check the video to see Nate takes the first short at mouthing off Conor. But it does not matter really who get the first shot to mouth off, the preemptive first shot will matter more in the Ring when these two fact it off again. I know some people on Facebook has said that that Conor McGregor is overrated. We not going to comment of that but what We say is that both opponents have their strengths and weaknesses and the winner will be the one who can exploit his opponent’s strength. You can feel free to post your suggestions as to who you are supporting in this rematch match up!

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