MMA Hotties

MMA Fighter Jordan McDonald Looks Like a Ring Card Girl But Hits like a Truck

MMA Hotties

Meet Jordan McDonald, the knockout that knocks woman out. She’s trained with Randy Couture at Xtreme Couture. She hasn’t fought for a while, but always lands a spot on every hottest women’s MMA fighters list. You can check her out on FB, Twitter, and right here…


Looking lean and ready to hurt someone.

Jordan has won the 110 pound Tuff-N-Uff championship.

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She got involved in MMA because she’s naturally a very competitive person.

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She’ll rebound from a loss by eating cupcakes and (3)

She’s trained with Jake Ellenberger and gives him credit for some of her success.

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When she’s not fighting, she’s modelling to pay the bills…

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Believe it or not, there’s not a lot of cash in amateur fighting.

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Her friends and family say she’s crazy for fighting, but they’re supportive.

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