Jon Jones Finally Breaks Silence About His Accident, Suspension, and Return to the UFC


The two big takeaways here going forward? Jon Jones is back, he’s going to be better than ever, and Daniel Cormier and Anthony Johnson and anyone else fighting in the UFC at 205 pounds should be absolutely terrified. Do note, this isn’t just generic “oh, I’m better than ever” PR nonsense. Reports out of the Jackson-Winkeljohn camp were never glowing about his work ethic. This is a motivated Jon Jones and you can see it just by looking at his before-and-after shots.

Jones before getting motivated, via his Twitter feed.

Jones before getting motivated, via his Twitter feed.

The other is that Jones’ relationship with the UFC is bad. That’s not surprising, but it’s got to be TERRIBLE if, in his first big interview, he can barely muster up a nice word about them. Jones has always marched to his own drum in terms of sponsorships and he’s never, ever been a company man (he’s been a prize fighter, and that’s how he should be). The fact that he’s still very clearly sore is not a good thing.

jones transform

If you’re in the UFC and fight at 205-pounds…run.

Jones makes it pretty clear, however, that the UFC is looking to set up Cormier vs. Jones 2 in April, and reports are that the fight will land in either New York City or, more likely, Anaheim. Mark your calendars, folks.

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