Holly Holm is an A-List Celebrity Since KO’ing Ronda Rousey



Holm ended up getting a lot of attention on social media when she was spotted cruising shotgun with Jamie Foxx in his souped up sports car. Foxx asked about Holm’s life story and talked about why he is so enamored with her after her win:

The video, by the way, was shot while they were driving to a basketball game between the Golden State Warriors and the Los Angeles Clippers. When they got there, guess who Rousey was spotted with?

Now here's a hint...c/o

Now here’s a hint…c/o

That’s right, Holm was chilling out courtside with Floyd Mayweather. No big deal.

The Holm Business is just starting to pick up, though. Find out what the future might have in store for her next!

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