
Here’s What Happens When a Psychopath Loses a Fight


James Butler was sentenced to 29 years in prison for murdering Sam Kellerman (brother of boxing analyst Max Kellerman) with a hammer then setting his home on fire. That’s not the first time his bad temper has peaked through, though. The man’s a walking timebomb, and before his roommate was killed it’s not like there weren’t any warning signs. Also, he’s quite possibly one of the P4P sorest losers, just look what happened when he lost a boxing match to Richard Grant…

We’re not psychologists, but this guy is clearly a troubled individual with anger issues. Take Mike Tyson, for example. He had Cus to help him reign in that fury and turn it into dominance, but many fighters never have such a role model to guide them and shape them into champions.

He served 4 months at Riker’s Island for this assault. The worst part? This took place at a charity boxing match. 

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