Everybody Still Hates Sage Northcutt, Two Weeks After Loss


When Sage Northcutt was first put front and center, fans generally shrugged it off. Northcutt’s UFC presence was basically an advertisement for the terrible Looking for a Fight miniseries on the UFC’s YouTube channel. He might be a decent fighter but…you know…whatever.


Then it came out that he was being paid more money than the staggering majority of MMA fighters, including former champions and contenders, and he instantly became a controversial figure. Then he lost in embarrassing fashion by tapping to a white belt-level choke, and he became the poster boy for entitlement.

Has not been a great couple of months for them...

No, no, that guy is DEFINITELY not somebody we should all hate.

Since then, he has become a target for any and all fighters frustrated with their UFC deals, and has been subjected to a prolonged verbal beatdown on social media. Check out some of the harshest attacks on the next page.

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