
WATCH: Bully Tries To Sucker-Punch Store Clerk, Gets Served Instant Justice


The clerk could have done whatever he wanted with the guy, but instead he just defends himself, hits the attacker with a couple shots for the road, then probabally goes to make sure there’s a fresh pot of coffee and some taquitos on the grill.

It looks like this took place at 7-11, which isn’t known as a meeting place for the world’s classiest people necessarily. Hopefully this idiot was by himself, and didn’t come back later with his friends to get revenge. It was his own fault, he went for the coward move and he got caught, hopefully he learns a lesson from it. What do you guys think? Is he going to change his ways, or will this be just another in a long line of concussions?

Also, who knows how many other people the guy has assaulted and gotten away with it because they couldn’t fight back? It’s good that the clerk hopefully put an end to this guy’s reign of  terror.

Also, he might make a good opponent for CM Punk? The guy in the white, that is. Obviously.

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