
9 Bizarre Fighter Injuries That Will Make You Say WTF


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Justin Wren’s collapsing mouth

Wren is one of the true good guys of MMA. He put his fighting career on hold to go rescue villages of Pygmies from Congo slave traders. He takes his own money, and raises cash through his charity, to buy freedom for his little friends. Word is that Wren is thinking of returning to combat so that he can use the money he wins from fighting to free more people. If you want to learn more and find out how you can help, we’re going to include a link at the bottom of the last page.


These images show what happened when the roof of his mouth collapsed. It’s like he just lost an entire layer out of nowhere. Doctors weren’t really sure what happened, and couldn’t find anything wrong (except the obvious.)



Let’s wrap this up with a look at what a torn bicep looks like from the inside, a horrific construction site accident, and a video that will make you want to buy presents for your knees.

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