
Woman Gets Crushed On Leg Press Machine


Sammy Margo, a chartered physiotherapist said: ‘On the second repetition, her leg went into hyperextension, which means the ligaments go beyond themselves and the knee has bent back on itself.

‘She could have torn her posterior cruciate ligament,’ she said.

‘The ligament prevents the knee joint from what physios call “posterior instability”.

‘This means it prevents the tibia from moving too much and going behind the femur – the knee buckling back on itself.

‘It’s also possible she pulled the ligament off the leg bones and they fractured. She would have dislocated her knee.’

Will Longhurst, fitness manager at Reebok Sports Club, London, said: ‘This video is an extreme example of what could happen during exercise when not performed correctly, however that is a underlying point that should be addressed.

‘A number of people visit the gym with little or no experience of how to use the equipment effectively and more importantly safely.

‘Often gym-goers will lift weights that are too heavy or use machines with poor technique as highlighted in the video.


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