
The US Military Invented a “Gay Bomb” To Make Enemy Forces Sexually Irresistible to Each Other


Along with the gay bomb, there are other off-beat chemical weapons that have been discussed over the years in government documents. These sound fake, but these are actual ideas that have been tossed around, and who knows how far into the development phase they actually are? For example…

A bomb that would cover enemies in bee pheromones after US troops have hid a bunch of beehives nearby, causing enemies to be surrounded and distracted by bees. 


A flatulence bomb that would cause enemies to produce copious amounts of gas by messing with their digestive systems. 


A halitosis bomb that would give enemy combatants terrible smelling breath. You don’t want to be cooped up in a foxhole with someone that has chemically-induced terrible, terrible breath. 


We’re not at liberty to discuss any further plans.

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