
This Guy Tried To Rob Somebody, Didn’t Know They Were an MMA Fighter…


Usually, they tell you to just give the robber whatever they’re asking for because you don’t know if they’re some kind of maniac, or if they have a weapon, or if they have 5 friends waiting around the corner. The people who rob strangers are relying on fear, intimidation, and bully-tactics. Every now and then, they run into someone who – for better or worse – isn’t going to take it, and things get physical.

In this instance, a guy tried to steal from someone, and it turns out the guy was an MMA fighter, at least based on some of the moves he pulls. At the very least, he has trained. This is, unfortunately, a classic case of the video starting a bit too late to know 100% what’s going on. From what we can see, the video starts and one guy has a clear dominant position over his opponent. He makes the guy aware that he could break his arm with a kimura, and that it’s in the guy’s best interest to just carry on and get out of there.

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