EA Sports UFC 2: The Only Review You Need to Read



Whether or not you should buy this boils down to a few different questions. Are you a bigtime MMA fan? If not, you probably shouldn’t bother. Do you want to have a game you can share with your friends (who aren’t huge MMA fans)? If so, you probably shouldn’t bother. Do you not have Xbox Live Gold or Playstation Plus? If not, you probably shouldn’t bother.


EA Sports UFC 2 is the most realistic MMA game ever and does a great job of tying together the striking, grappling and clinchwork aspects of MMA. Unfortunately, so much of the game goes over the heads of non-diehard fans that it’s not something you can just sit down and enjoy with other people. That’s not a great thing for a sports game, either, when so much of a sports game’s value is tied into its multiplayer potential.

This is mandatory in all EA Sports UFC 2 articles.

This is mandatory in all EA Sports UFC 2 articles.

If you really enjoyed the Undisputed games and found something to like in the first EA Sports UFC game, then you should definitely consider buying this. If you’re not a diehard MMA fan with a year’s subscription to Xbox Live…you might want to find something else to drop $60 on.

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