Your Childhood Was A Lie, The Karate Kid Was The Bully, Not The Bullied


An intriguing new fan-theory about the Karate Kid is basically going to shatter your childhood. Even if you haven’t seen it for a minute, you’ll remember the basic premise.


Daniel shows up in a new town, the bully Johnny starts messing with him, Daniel gets awesome at Karate, and crushes Johnny’s dreams. But, in hindsight, that’s not really how it went down at all:

“The Karate Kid is the story of Daniel, a violent sociopath who moves to a California town and begins tormenting a local boy and his friends.”

  • Daniel: Violent sociopath.
  • Johnny: Bullied victim.
  • Mr. Miyagi: Demon sorcerer.

It all makes perfect sense after watching the video on the next page. How did we not notice this sooner?

Continued on the next page:

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