
Watch Man Leg Sweeps His Girlfriend, Then He Is Knocked Out (Video)


Any true fighter knows that the first stage before you consider physical violence is conflict resolution should and as with every fight the pro or armature you must make a split-second decision as to how to respond to your opponent. Watch Video Below On How To Perform A Proper Leg Sweep

A leg sweep can be a very dangerous move when executed correctly as you the video with Smomraknoi a professional Muay Thai fighter demonstrates he legs sweeps his opponent. Causing him to fall on his stomach, this is a natural human response to break the fall with your hands. However, in doing it gives your opponent the perfect opportunity to dominate you will you are down.

Fortunately, for this woman in the video, the man showed restraint and did not attack her each time she went down. However, you can see each time with the leg sweep as she raises again to her feet it is clear she is a bit disoriented. This also another effect of using a leg sweep on your opponent it can cause slight disorientation. In professional combat sport at times that is needed to win a match.

Learn how to perform this effective self-defense leg sweep technique. Val Riazanov is a professional trainer in the video below demonstrates how to effectively perform a double leg sweep and explains why a double leg sweep is a preferred technique.

Even though it is obvious that the woman was the aggressor, the man should have shown more control as it obvious he was not in any real danger from her. Self-control is a disciple and train fighter will tell you must have to focus and fight well. The woman in this video has some guts as she charges at the man first even though he is clearly bigger than her.

If you or someone you know is suffering from  domestic violence call in (US – 1-800-799-7233) (UK- 0808 2000 247) or your local helpline

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