This Real-Life Female Fight Club In Brooklyn Is Gross and Very Entertaining


Sisters are doin’ it for themselves over in Crooklyn…

We’ve seen a lot of different Fight Clubs in recent months, we’ve made it a hobby to unearth these underground combat rings and to break the first rule of them. Most people will never see a real life Fight Club, but it’s just another day the office for us. Today we’re checking out an all-female underground Fight Club in Brooklyn with some of the meanest gals you’ll ever see. After that, we’re go on a quick tour of all the other clubs we’ve featured recently in case you missed them.


These aren’t just any ‘ol ladies fighting. They took the meanest, nastiest women from the neighborhood who already have bad reputations for causing trouble and fighting, and said “Hey… wanna get paid for this instead? Right now you’re doing it for free.” Everyone from the neighborhood crams into a hidden garage with no windows, places bets, has some drinks… it’s the hood version of the MGM Grand.


It takes places in a secret windowless garage where 100 people gather around to watch. 


These are basically the women of Worldstar, except instead of having their fights filmed on cellphone cameras, they’re combining streetfighting with sport (kind of.)

Rules: No biting, no scratching, no hair-pulling, no weapons.

Check out the video below.

Here’s a snapshot of the action, but it’s too fast and too furious to be captured in a still image so make sure you check out the video below.

Next time you’re wandering the streets of Brooklyn and you find a seemingly-adambonned garage, take a peek inside because you might be able to catch the action. Tell them Fightstate sent you.


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