
There’s An MMA Event In Malaysia That Takes Place on a Pirate Ship


Bad puns aside, it’s a cool idea to have an MMA event taking place in on no man’s land out at sea. Centuries ago, the waters near Malaysia and Thailand were swarming with pirates, so this event is a throwback to that. This event is invite only for people that subscribe to a certain phone company. If you didn’t get an invite, you can catch the event streaming on

From their site: 

“Imbeciles! Nothin’ can ever challenge our legendary Captain Jon ‘The Ketch Hue’ Nutt – the roughest, toughest and most notorious pirate in the 7 seas.

This be not an invite, but a punishment waitin’ t’ happen. So be ready to walk the plank!

Dimwits! You be foolish t’ think otherwise!

Pirates do not share their treasure but precious moments like this be for everyone t’ savor! We be streaming t’ fights live right here on this page!

Tis shall be sweet, the whole world will be watchin’ and you be swimming with them fishes! ARRRR!”

Here’s the list of fighters competing at the first MMA’rr event. 

  • Nik Harris (6-2) vs Matt Pellino (0-1)
  • Cham Long (0-0) vs Allen Chong (1-0)
  • Rachael Short (0-1) vs Adek Omar (0-1)
  • Kai France (8-5-1) vs Dindo Camansa(0-2)
  • Zhen Wei (1-1) vs May Ooi (1-0)
  • Andy Teh (1-1) vs Mostafa Ashouri (0-3)
  • Caleb Lally (5-2) vs Reysaldo Biagtan (0-3)
  • Adam Cacay (3-3) vs Mohd Fouzien (5-6)
  • Michell Adelina (3-5) vs Dylan Fussell (6-1)
  • Trestle Tan (3-3-1) vs Pedro Paulino (3-0)

Not a stacked card by any means, but it does feature a few Ultimate Fighter alumni along with some Thai fighters taking on people who are far less experienced than them to get the local crowds excited.

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