
Teenager Destroys a 34 Year Old Man In a Streetfight and Refuses to Let Him Tap Out


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The video doesn’t show what these two are arguing about, but the older guy makes a huge mistake when he goes for one of the worst takedown attempts ever seen and ends up with this scrappy kid on his back with an RNC.


Not a huge surprise that the big guy doesn’t know how to defend this choke, so after a few misguided strikes he decides to tap out, but Herb Dean isn’t there to save him when the kid gives him a few more for good measure.


By the time you’re 34 you should know how to properly assess a situation and to know when to walk away. BEST case scenario for this guy is that he gets beat up by a kid because the worst case would be if he actually assaulted a minor and had it caught on film.

Video on the next page:

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