
Sage Northcutt auditioned to be the son of Ivan Drago in the sequel to Creed


Maybe Rocky IV is not the best film reviewed in the boxing saga, but it is definitely one of the most exciting. Much of these emotions fall on Ivan Drago, an authentic Soviet machine whose power allowed him to finish with Apollo Creed without any effort, which turned the fight with Rocky Balboa into a purely personal confrontation.

Sylvester Stallone knows all this and long ago confirmed his intention to retake the character for the sequel to Creed. For a while it was thought that the film would show the young Adonis Johnson in a final rematch against the Russian, but everything seems to indicate that the film will take a completely different path.

This after Sage Northcutt revealed his audition to play the son of Ivan Drago:

“The new Creed 2 will premiere soon, so I auditioned for her. I sent a small tape so I hope it works. It would be great. To be the son of Ivan Drago in the movie? That would be fun.”

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