Ronda Rousey Accidently Reveals That Her Head Coach Is Bankrupt Due To A Gambling Addiction


Can you read between the lines? If you can, you’ll be able to put 1+1 together and realize a big part of why Ronda has been off her game lately could be due to her coaching and training situation. People close to her have revealed that she felt overwhelmed going into her fight with Holly, which is understandable due to all of the personal turmoil she’s been dealing with.


In an old episode of a UFC Embedded, Ronda more than alludes to the fact that her coach Edmond has some issues with gambling.

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“I told him if he doesn’t gamble once the whole year, we’ll gamble $100,000 at the end of the year.” – Ronda Rousey

It all makes a lot of sense when you put it into the context of things that have been revealed since this clip was filmed, for example the fact that he’s facing bankruptcy and only has a couple thousand dollars worth of assets despite the fact that he’s coaching the most famous UFC fighter that earns millions of dollars.

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