Ronda Rousey Delivers Heartfelt Video To Paralyzed MMA Fighter


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Steve Watts is a renaissance man. He’s a former college wrestler, a guitar player, a music promoter, and a pro MMA fighter. Tragically, he was injured in his last fight while defending a choke.


Steve is fighting a new fight now. It only takes a split second for someone’s life to completely change forever, but he’s staying positive. The injury took place at an unsanctioned fight.

“I’m going to work hard and continue to work for a long time, and I hope to have certain faculties return, but I’m not delusional,” said Watts, to Thadeus Greenson for the North Coast Journal.

There were no doctors or ambulances at the event called “So You Think You Can Fight”, and it took twenty minutes for an ambulance to arrive.

“I’m totally paraplegic and paralyzed from the shoulders down. I understand what’s real, but I’m going to put energy every day into trying to change that.” – Steve Watts

Steve says that his injuries are really bad, “but at least they happened while he was doing something that he loved,” talk about having a positive attitude.

Ronda Rousey and Steve Watts have some mutual friends in the world of MMA, and when Ronda heard about what happened she sent a video to Steve. You can watch it on the next page, and see Steve’s brave response.

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