
Hulk Hogan Misses Call From Agent to Sponsor New Indoor Grill. George Foreman Has Since Earned $200 Million from It.


Around that time, Hogan would endorse a blender named the Thunder Mixer. If you don’t remember it, well, don’t feel too bad. The Thunder Mixer would live a short life, given the fact that it wasn’t actually any different than any other gigantic cup with a motorized shredder at the bottom.

thunder mixer


Hogan would later release his own novelty grill, Hulk Hogan’s Ultimate Grill. Unsurprisingly, the so-called “Ultimate Kitchen Appliance” that “replaces 5 different kitchen appliances AND THEN SOME” was not a booming commercial success. It doesn’t help that the informercials were absolutely painful to watch. (Check out the next page for the awesomely awkward clip)

hogan grill
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