Hank Hill Has Been Talking Trash About Jon Jones’ Skinny Legs


What’s a bit more interesting is whether or not we’ll see more of this kind of advertising going forward. The UFC has historically been incredibly lazy when it comes to advertising their events, with brutally generic posters, redundant commercials and interchangeable press conferences for each and every event. This, on the other hand, is incredibly unique and just plain fun.

Somebody got paid to make this poster. Seriously. Somebody got paid money to take two images, put them next to each other in photo shop and type out their names and fight date.

Somebody got paid to make this poster. Seriously. Somebody got paid money to take two images, put them next to each other in photo shop and type out their names and fight date.

Unfortunately, contrary to popular speculation, this does not mean that “King of the Hill” is making a comeback. Fox still owns the rights to the series and has expressed no interest in reviving it. What’s more, all the voice talent from the series is busy with other stuff so…yeah. Not gonna happen.

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