Day Care Workers Busted For Hosting Real Life Fight Club With 4 Year Old Kids


Congratulations, idiots. You are now immortalized for your disgusting actions.

Here's where it went down.

Here’s where it went down.

The women who were filming these fights were making references to the movie Fight Club. Despite their ages they obviously never learned to separate reality from fiction. In the long run, it’s for the best because women like this should not be anywhere near children (Despite the fact that one of them is a mother – and not a very good one according to a local resident – more on that in a moment.) 

Erica Kenny – 22 years old.
Chanese White – 28 years old.

Cranford, NJ resident Jessica Staines went to school with Erica Kenny and wasn’t surprised that Erica would do something like this, which suggests she really didn’t think much of her to begin with.

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“I know she’s a mother though, so it appalls me that she’d do something like this when she has her own child at home.” – Jessica Staines, the ruthless voice of reason.

So what’s the punishment for being so terrible?

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