Dana White Explains Why Not Paying Fighters is a Good Thing


The UFC doesn’t pay its fighters enough. They know it, but they don’t like to admit it but make absolutely no mistake…they know it’s true. Dana White basically admitted as much during a seminar at Stanford University from some time back.

On the right is a millionaire who works for his money. On the left is a billionaire who tells millionaires they should be happy with what they have.

On the right is a millionaire who works for his money. On the left is a billionaire who tells millionaires they should be happy with what they have.

Talking with a bunch of college students, he explains that the trick to incentivizing fighters is to not pay them, then force them into more brutal fights on the hope that they might be paid more. Fans know this as “the Fight of the Night bonus.”

This dude has too much money.

This dude has too much money.

Want to hear Dana’s full speech? Why else is it stupid? Check out the next page.

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