
White Guy Dropping N Bombs Results In 2 Sucker Punches & 2 Knockouts


It looks like there was some kind of backyard fighting event going on here, until another fight broke out. The goofy guy in the Bulls jersey tries to sucker punch somebody from behind and misses, then he squares up with a guy and knocks him out cleanly as soon as the guy backs off. Then HE gets sucker punched for trying to sucker punch somebody else earlier. Then somebody takes out a tazer and threatens to put bullets in people’s chests.

This guy is a real piece of work, and by work we mean shit.


The storyline’s basically as convoluted as Game of Thrones, so if you’re having trouble keeping up with everything that happened just check out the video on the next page and it’ll all make perfect sense.

Video on the next page:

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