Ronda Rousey Reveals How Much Sex She Has Before A Fight


It has been common knowledge that most fighters refrain from sex before a fight in order to build up their hormones and release that tension in the ring upon their opponent during a fight. For instance its been reported that Muhammad Ali said he refrained from having any sexual contact before a major fight.

This idea about refraining form sexual contact is not exclusive to MMA and UFC fighters even in the game of football many players has refrained from sex before playing big games. Whether this really works to better a player’s performance has never been scientifically proven however many has embraced the practice of no sex before big game.

Ronda Rousey In Man Arms

However, it is apparently different when it comes to female fighters, it has been suggested that males lose testosterone during sex however for females it quite the opposite effect. Ronda seems to know this  that sex performance go hand in hand and has been active as a bunny in bed before she fights. Here is what she had to say about the matter word for word.

Ronda Rousey

It been tested in recent times the effect of how different videos will stimulate performance during a bodybuilding workout and the notion of actually having engaging in erotic acts can build performance has appeared in many forums.

In recent study conducted by Cook and Crewther different videos were showed to participants in 3 Rep Max squats routine. The participants were shown short videos of sad, training, humorous and erotic videos. The results revealed that participants who were exposed to the training and erotic videos showed an increased in their squat performance. Check out the video clip still On the Next Page for what Ronda had to say about the matter verbatim.

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